Sunday, November 7, 2010

Teaching activities for year 2 (high achiever)

For high achiever pupils, I will ask them to collect the measurement materials from their home and bring to school for group activity, such as bowl, bottle, cup, mug, glass and pail. So each group member has responsibility on their own materials and work cooperative in their group.
( i ) Learning outcomes
Pupils are able to :
· Estimate the higher capacity of a large jug using non-standard units.
· Measure the number of containers that needed to fill the large jug.
( ii ) Materials
· Rubber bands
· A large jug
· A bottle
· A bowl
· A mug
· A cup
· A glass
( iii ) Procedures
1. Teacher will divide the class into groups of five and make sure each group has a set of different small containers. These containers are pupils own. Teacher will provide each group a large jug.
2. Teacher will ask each group to estimate the higher capacity of a large jug using non-standard units which are pail, bottle, bowl, mug, cup and glass.
3. First, teacher asks pupils to put a glass of water and an empty jug on the table. Then, one pupil in the group wrap a rubber band around the predicted spot on the jug. Pupils are asking to predict how high a glass of water will reach in the jug when the water pour from the glass.
4. Pupils in the group will do the same activity using different containers until finish.
5. After that, teacher asks pupils to measure the number of containers that needed to fill the large jug.
6. Teacher asks each group choose one pupil to be a recorder.
7. Teacher asks pupils fill the jug using a glass of water and count how many glasses are needed to fill the jug. Recorder will record their findings in the table . Pupils will repeat the activity using all containers . Example :
8. Teacher asks pupils to write down their findings.
a) ________ glasses of water fills up the large jug.
b) ________ mugs of water fills up the large jug.
c) ________ cups of water fills up the large jug.
d) ________ bottles of water fills up the large jug.
e) ________ bowls of water fills up the large jug.
f) ________ pails of water fills up the large jug.
9. Teacher calls out one pupil from each group to present their working.
D. Summary
Misconception on capacity that is happening among the pupils while teaching volume of liquid will be overcome, if teacher gives some practice to the pupils using concrete and attractive materials. Teaching aids and teaching activities which based on the level pupils bring them motivation in learning and involve actively during the lesson. From these activities, pupils might be learnt comparative language such as more, less or the same, sorting and classifying, problem solving, counting on, cooperative, be careful and be patience.

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